Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Indemnity to Principal

Where any contract or agreement entered into with any principal (named in the schedule hereto) and the company will indemnify the Principal within the Geographical Limit of this Policy for any claim resulting from injury, ill ness, loss or damage (as herein defined) where such injury, illness or damage occurs during the currency of the Policy and arises out of in the course of or by reason of the carrying of out by the Insured and/or his Subcontractors of work for which an indemnity is provided by this Policy.

Provided that :

the Insured shall have arranged with the Principal for the conduct and control of all claims for which the Company many be liable by virtue of the indemnity to be vested in the Company.

The Principal shall observe fulfil and be subject to the terms and conditions of the policy in so far as they can apply.

Claim made by the Principal shall be treated as though the Principal were not meaasured by this policy.

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