PT. ________________ and/or Affiliated
Co. and/or Associated Co. and/or f.t.r.r.i
PT. ________________ QQ PT. / Mr.
_________and/or Affiliated Co. and/or Associated Co. and/or f.t.r.r.i
2 – Manufacturing Industry
q PT.
RHEEM INDONESIA and/or All subsidiary and/or Affiliated Co. and/or Associated
Co. and/or Corporations as now exist or may hereafter be constituted or
acquired including their interests as may appear in Partnership or Joint
Ventures for their respective rights and interest and in addition, Financial
institutions which hold or may hold vested interest in the Property Insured for
their respective rights and interests.
ini biasanya juga digunakan untuk PLI)
3 – Office Building
q PT.
PANTORU MAS as the first Owner of the Insured and/or as the Consultant of the
Building Manager and/or its subsidiaries companies and/or any purchaser of any
individual unit (s) of the insured property or its Lawful Equivalent for their
respective rights and interest.
ini biasanya juga digunakan untuk PLI)
4 – Biasa untuk C/EAR
PT. __________ as Principal and/or PT. ____________ as Main
contractor and/or Sub-Contractors and/or any other participants involved in the
realization of the project, all for their respective rights and interest.
Catatan :
q Perlu
diketahui, fungsi/okupasi dari pihak yang membeli asuransi dari pihak Owner
atau Main Contractor atau Sub Contractor.
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