Saturday, July 21, 2012

Construction, Erection All RIsk and Third Party Liability



Munich-Re Wording + Clauses

PT. ______________ as Principal and/or PT. ________________as Main contractor and/or Sub-Contractors and/or any other participants involved in the realization of the project, all for their respective rights and interest.


As advised
(Both days inclusive at 12.00 noon local time)
Plus 4 (four) weeks testing period and 12 (twelve) months maintenance period thereafter

The design, supply, installation, construction, erection, Piling, cabling, soil works and foundation including all testing and commissioning of  “______________________________”  and all other facilities/works connected therewith comprising of the entire contract works and/or installation and/or part and/or preparatory and/or auxiliary works of any kind and/or description and/or temporary works as well as permanent and all materials incorporated therein including property constructed, erected, supplied, installed, repaired, revised including all testing and/or commissioning as acquired.


Section I – Material Damage

Construction and Erection All Risk

All Risk on Contract-Works
1.     On the whole of the site formation of contract-works (as above mentioned in the heading “the project”) including but not limited to Civil Works, Soil Works, Erection of Machineries and Parts fixtures-fittings cable piping etc.  temporary works, formwork, scaffolding, props and the like, contract consumables, and all materials incorporated and/or to be incorporated therein including the complete reconstituting of contract records, media, core samples and the like, architects’, engineers’, and surveyor’ fees, owner supplied materials and equipment, on for which they are responsible whilst on the site of work and/or materials for the purpose of contract stored on the site of work, temporary buildings, camp buildings and all other site building and their contents, removal of debris, expediting expenses including all increased cost of working, employees’ effects, including any work of reconstruction, rectification or repair of any of the aforementioned property insured the property of the assured on for which they are responsible whilst on the site of work and/or materials for the purpose of the contract stored on the site of work including the Contractor’s and/or Sub–Contractors plant and machinery and equipment.

2.     Existing structures and improvements including building and ancillary structures and all other structures and improvements intended to be maintained and all other materials where those properties belonging to or held in care, custody or controlled by the Insured.




Third Party Liability against for which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay consequent upon accidental death and/or bodily injury to third party and/or accidental loss and/or damage to third party’s property.



Ø Section I            :  IDR. ______________________

Ø Section II           :  Third Party Liability
Ø Limit of Liability :  IDR. _______________________
Combined single limit for anyone occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of the same event and in the aggregate.



Ø For all other causes : IDR. _____________ for any one loss or series of losses arising out of the same events.
Ø Act of God : IDR. ________________ for any one loss or series of losses arising out of the same events

1.     Bodily injury and Accidental Death : NIL
2.     IDR. _______________for any one loss or series of losses arising out of the same event (on property damage only)


1.    72 (seventy two) Hours Clause (for AOG only)
2.    All Profesional Fees Clause
3.    Architects’, Surveyors’ and Consulting Engineers’ Fees Clause
4.    Automatic Reinstatement Clause (with Additional Premium)
5.    Average Relief Clause  (85%)
6.    Basis of Loss Settlement Clause
7.    Claim Settlement Clause
8.    Co-Insurance CLause
9.    Contract Works Taken Over or Put into Service Clause (MR. 116)
10.  Cross Liability Clause (MR 002)
11.  Deffered Premium Clause
12.  Designer’s Risk Clause/Faulty Design Clause (MR. 115)
13.  EDRC “A”
14.  Escalation Clause (20% of Total Sum Insured)
15.  Existing / surrounding property clause (MR. 119)
16.  Expediting Expenses Clause
17.  Extended Maintenance Cover Clause (MR. 004) – 12 Months
18.  Extra Charges Clause  (MR. 006)
19.  Extra Contractual Obligation Exclusion Clause
20.  Employer’s Liability Clause
“It is hereby noted and agreed that this Policy shall extend any liabilty as a result of bodily injury and/or property damage of the employees while they are working in the insured premises”
21.  Fire Extinguisher Cost Clause (10% of Total Sum Insured)
22.  Fire Brigades Charges Clause
23.  Interest of Other Parties Clause  

24.  Insured Consultant Clause
         Notwithstanding anything contrary within this policy, its is agreed that     
         all employees of the Principal who are in charged to the Project, the
         Insured’s Consultants and other Professional Advisors shall be
         deemed to be as Third Parties.
25.  Goods in Storage Clause
26.  Indonesian Jurisdiction Clause
27.  Inland Transit and Storage Cover Clause  
(MR 113 with limit IDR.,- a.o.l. and in the aggregate)
28.  Loss Notification Clause (14 days)
29.  Loss of Hire Charges Clause
30.  Manufacturer’s Risk – MR 200
31.  Nominated Loss Adjusters Clause
32.  Notification Clause
33.  Non Negligent Liability Clause 19.2 Amended :
It is agreed that the Insurance by this section extends to include all sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay in connection with the injury or damage to property other than the Property Insured under Section I caused by collapsed, subsidence, vibration, weakening or removal of support or lowering of ground water arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the carrying out of the Insured Contracts excepting damages.
           i.     attributable to errors or omissions in the designing of  the work
          ii.     which can be reasonably be foreseen to be inevitable having regard to the nature of the work to be executed or the manner of its execution arising from a nuclear risk or a war risk
34.  Offsite Fabrication and Offsite Storage Clause (MR 013)
35.  Outside Premises Storage Clause 
36.  Payment on Account Clause
37.  Plans and Documents Clause
38.  Prior Use Clause and/or Partial Occupancy Clause and/or Completion Clause
39.  Professional Fees Clause 
40.  Property Damage Clarification Clause
41.  Prorate Additional Premium for Extension Period
42.  Public Authorities Clause
43.  Removal of Debris Clause  (10% of TSI)
44.  RSMDCC Endorsement as per DAI Wording Code 4.1 A + CC     
45.  Special Conditions concerning Piling, Foundation and Retaining Wall Works Clause
46.  Terrorism Exclusion Clause – NMA 2920
47.  Thirty (30) days Cancellation Clause
“Both the Insurer and the Insured are entitled to terminate this insurance upon thirty (30) days notice in writing being given. Such termination should be effected by the registered letter and the Insured entitle to a pro-rata refund premium for the un-expired period of Insurance”.

48.  Vibration, Subsidence Collapse, Weakening of Support Clause 
It is agreed that the insurance by this section extends to include all sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay in connection with damage to property other than property insured under Section I caused by collapse, subsidence, vibration, weakening or removal of support of lowering of ground water arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the carrying out to the Insured contracts.
           i.   caused by negligence, ommission or default to the contractor, his servants or agents or any other of their co-contractors, Sub-contractors and Suppliers their servants or agents
          ii.   Attributable to errors or ommission in the designing of the work
49.  Waiver of Subrogation Clause (against subsidiaries only)







IDR. __________________  X  ____%  =  IDR. ________________



1st Class Insurance Company

Signed in and on behalf of
                                                                                                                                APPROVED BY,

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