Saturday, July 21, 2012

Terrorism and sabotage Insurance

(exclude to cover Occupation Public Warehouse)


Type 1

PT. ________________ including any subsidiary and/or related company existing at the commencement of this Insurance or formed purchased or otherwise acquired during the currency of the Policy for their respective rights and interest.                            

PT. ________________ and/or Affiliated Co. and/or Associated Co. and/or f.t.r.r.i


PT. ________________ QQ PT. / Mr. _________and/or Affiliated Co. and/or Associated Co. and/or f.t.r.r.i

Type 2 – Manufacturing Industry

q _________________ and/or All subsidiary and/or Affiliated Co. and/or Associated Co. and/or Corporations as now exist or may hereafter be constituted or acquired including their interests as may appear in Partnership or Joint Ventures for their respective rights and interest and in addition, Financial institutions which hold or may hold vested interest in the Property Insured for their respective rights and interests.

Type 3 – Office Building

q  _________________ as the first Owner of the Insured and/or as the Consultant of the Building Manager and/or its subsidiaries companies and/or any purchaser of any individual unit (s) of the insured property or its Lawful Equivalent for their respective rights and interest.

To be advised

12 (twelve) months from the date to be advised

To be advised

to be advised

On all real and personal property of any kind nature and/or description

A.    On Building

All buildings (including foundations) on the described premises including but not limited to :
·       Landlord’s fixtures-fittings
·       Fire and security protection installations
·       Telephone gas water underground waters and electric instruments meters piping cabling tunnels and the like and accessories thereof including similar property whatsoever and adjoining yards or roadways or underground (to the building or contents Insured by the respective items of this specification) all the property of the Insured or of the supplier or others for which the Insured is responsible (all to be within the Insured’s premises).
·       Plumbing ventilation and installation light standards flag poles awnings signs doors and windows display cabinets and similar structures of whatsoever description.
·       Site improvements scale areas gangways, alleys, pavements, driveways, bridges, car parks, paths and the like which partly or wholly serves to supply the described premises.
·       Walls gates and fences around and pertaining to the described premises
·       Interior decoration and other exterior fixtures and fittings
·       On all office inventory office machinery and furniture fixtures-fittings tools and all other contents of every type and description including but not limited to AC, PABX and Telephone set, mobile-phone and hand-phone, Fax and Copy machines, computers & laptop including its installation network (LAN & Internet) and its related & supporting structures, money and money negotiable, business book including cost of rewriting business records, computer records and software, guests effects for which the Insured has assumed liability and all other contents of every type and description not otherwise insured the property of the Insured and/or held by them in trust or on commission whilst in and/or about the Insured premises. (Jika Contents terpisah / di breakdown detilnya, maka wording terakhir ini harus dilepaskan dalam gabungan building)
SUM INSURED                              USD.     0,000,000.00

B.   On Machinery

On machinery plant including its supporting and protective structures and all other mechanical tools electrical and electronic and computerized equipment including air-conditioning system, lift, moveable-equipment, non-licensed vehicle, piping, design, moulds, pattern, supporting and protective structure but not limited to lighting system, fire-fighting equipment, compressor, washing and cleaning machine, generator, chiller-boiler, storage-tanks, conveyer-belt, moveable-equipment, non-licensed vehicle and all other accessories attached thereto stand-by machinery and spare-parts which all contained within the premises owned by the Insured and/or rented and/or held in trust or on commission and for which the Insured is responsible whilst in and/or about the Insured premises.
 SUM INSURED                             USD.     0,000,000.00

C.   On Content (Jika content tidak disebutkan dalam pertanggungan, maka harus dipertimbangkan wording building akankah berikut content/office inventory  atau tanpa office contents)

On all office inventory office machinery and furniture fixtures-fittings tools and all other contents of every type and description including but not limited to AC, PABX and Telephone set, mobile-phone and hand-phone, Fax and Copy machines, computers & laptop including its installation network (LAN & Internet) and its related & supporting structures, money and money negotiable, business book including cost of rewriting business records, computer records and software, guests effects for which the Insured has assumed liability and all other contents of every type and description not otherwise insured the property of the Insured and/or held by them in trust or on commission whilst in and/or about the Insured premises.
SUM INSURED                            USD.     0,000,000.00

D.   On Stock

On stock of raw materials materials in process of production finished products waste product and including spare-parts and other supporting materials, packaging materials and all other stock of every type and description not otherwise insured the property of the Insured and/or held by them in trust or on commission or on consignment whilst in and/or about the Insured premises.
                Catatan :
q  Perlu dilakukan penyesuaian ulang, dengan melihat Okupasi dari tertanggung, seperti misalnya industry/perdagangan barang tertentu yang lebih spesifik, misalnya Automotive, used or new car dll.

On stock of raw materials materials in process of production finished products waste product and/or manufacturing finished products work in progress and/or packaging materials related to the Insured business and/or other manufacturing supplies contained within the premises and belonging to the Insured and/or all other stock of every type and description including spare-parts and/or other materials not otherwise insured the property of the Insured and/or held by them in trust or on commission and/or consignment or on display and/or for which the Insured is responsible. (harus diperhatika!!!!, apakah stock yg dipertanggungkan itu ADJUSTABLE ATAU TIDAK dan wording harus disesuaikan dengan okupasi tertanggung)

SUM INSURED                            USD.     0,000,000.00

TOTAL SUM INSURED                      USD.  0,000,000,00


Any act of Terrorism and Sabotage and/or any action taken in controlling preventing suppressing or in any way relating to any act of Terrorism and/or Sabotage regardless of any other caused or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss

15% of Recoverable Claim Amount with minimum IDR./USD. ____________ per location for any one accident


Ä  Insured property recoverable under other policy(ies)
Ä  Burglary, house-breaking, theft or larceny
Ä  Confiscation, requisition, detention or legal or illegal occupation
Ä  Riots, Strike, Malicious Damage, Civil Commotion


1.    Alterations Clause
2.    Appraisement Value Clause (5% of Total Sum Insured)
3.    Architects’, Surveyors’ and Consulting Engineers’ Expenses (Limit 5% of Total Sum Insured)
4.    Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause
5.    Average Relief Clause (85%)
6.    Banker’s Clause (jika nasabah kita adalah Bank-nya langsung seperti Bank Harda & BCA yang sudah ada kerjasama, maka gunakan wording seperti dibawah ini, namun jika nasabahnya bukan bank meskipun ada banker’s clause, maka yg digunakan standard wording saja)
It Is hereby noted and agreed that the property Insured under this Policy has been pledged with PT. Bank ……………. and until such time as the said Bank shall have notified the Insurer, in the contrary, the Insurer shall advise the said Bank :

I.        If the Insured  proposed to cancel or give notice of cancellation of any such insurance, at least 30 (thirty) days before such cancellation is to take effects ;
II.       Of :
a.       Any material alteration, and/or
b.       Termination  or Expiry
        Of any such insurance at least 30 (thirty) days before such alteration, termination or expiry take place
III.      Promptly of any default in the payment of any premium or failure to renew any such insurance ;
IV.     Of any act or omission or of any event of which the Insurer has knowledge and which they consider might invalidate or render unenforceable in whole or in part any such insurance ;
V.      Of any claim under the policy exceeding USD. 10,000.00

It shall be further noted that in the event of loss, if any, payable under this policy, any payment up to the amount to which the said Bank is entitled for principal, interest accrued and costs shall be made to the said Bank without prejudice to the rights of the Insured for the difference and the said Bank shall act in its capacity as a joint-insured subject to the terms conditions and restriction contained in the Policy.
7.    Brand and Label Clause
8.    Capital Additions Clause (10%)
9.    Civil Authorities Clause
10.  Contract Price Clause  
11.  Cost of Re-Erection Clause  
12.  Cost of Re-writing Record and claim Preparation Clause
13.  Deferred Premium Clause
+ 1st Installment due date on February 15, 2005   = 35% of premium
+ 2nd Installment due date on March 15, 2005       = 35% of premium
+ 3rd Installment due date on April 15, 2005           = 30% of premium

“Notwithstanding that this Policy is issued at a contract for a period of 12 months, it is hereby understood and agreed that the premium shall be payable on the due date stated in the above Schedule.
It is understood that in the event of any installment not being paid prior to, or 14 days after its due date, then cover afforded by the policy shall be deemed to have ceased at midnight of due date. It is further agreed that payments will be settled within 1 (one) week after the said due dates by the Agent/Broker to the Underwriters.
In the event of a claim arising hereunder which exceed the premium paid on this Policy, the installments of premium then outstanding shall become payable forthwith.”
14.  Designation Clause
15.  Electrical Short Circuit Clause (Compulsory)
16.  Employees Personal Effect clause (with applicable sub limit in excess of deductible is max IDR. 2.500.000,00 for any one employee and IDR. 100.000.000,00 in the aggregate)
17.  Errors and Omission Clause
18.  Fire Brigades Charges Clause
19.  Fire Extinguishing Cost Clause
20.  General Interest Clause
21.  Impact by Own Vehicle Clause
22.  Internal Removal Clause
23.  Indonesian Jurisdiction Clause
24.  Leased Property Clause
25.  Loss Notification Clause (14 Days)
26.  Loss of Damaged Goods Clause
27.  Minor Alterations and Repairs Clause
28.  New Location Clause (kalau okupasi berupa outlet atau showroom lebih dari 1)
29.  Nominated Loss Adjusters Clause
“It is hereby noted and agreed that in the event of a loss the following Adjuster should be appointed and the Preliminary and/or Final Report should be forwarded to the Agent and Broker concern.
Nominated Loss Adjuster :
Ä  PT. Cunningham Lindsey Indonesia
Ä  PT. Japenansi Nusantara (GAB Robbins)
And PT. MAGNUS MITRA SEJAHTERA Insurance Agent is given the right to select and appoint the Adjusters for and on behalf of the Insurer.”
30.  Non Invalidation Clause
31.  Notification Clause
32.  Outbuilding Clause  
33.  Payment on Account Clause
34.  Pro-Rata Refund Premium Clause
35.  Public Authorities Clause  
36.  Reinstatement Value Clause
37.  Removal of Debris Clause (within the Sum Insured)
38.  Selling Price Clause  
39.  Services Clause
40.  Seventy Two (72) hours Clause (for EQVET & TWFWD)
41.  Spontaneous Combustion Clause  
42.  Sprinkler Leakage Clause 
43.  Structural Alterations Clause 
44.  Temporary Removal Clause
45.  Tenants Improvements Clause
46.  Thirty (30) Days Cancellation Notice Clause except for RSMDCC ; 3 days (sama dengan Prorata Refund Premium Clause)
“Both the Insurer and the Insured are entitled to terminate this insurance upon thirty (30) days notice in writing being given. Such termination should be effected by the registered letter and the Insured entitle to a pro-rata refund premium for the un-expired period of Insurance”.
47.  Vehicle Load Clause
48.  Workmen’s Clause




Jakarta, ____________, 2006
Signed in and on behalf of

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